
From Reality Television To Real Life: The Law And You

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From Reality Television To Real Life: The Law And You

Do you watch police and border security reality shows? I rarely watch television but never miss an episode when these are on. I am intrigued by the motivations of people who break the law and even more curious about the punishments they receive. I research the relevant laws after an episode finishes and have become quite the bush lawyer! Through research, I have noticed that laws related to an offence like dangerous driving can vary in our different states and territories. I realise that most people are time poor and do not have the opportunity to explore our laws in detail. I started this blog with the intention of giving you some insights into your rights and responsibilities under Australian law. First and foremost, I hope you find these scribblings to be entertaining. I will be extra pleased if you find some useful information. This blog is now in session.

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Different Things Your Divorce Lawyer Can Help You With During Your Initial Consultation

If you are planning on getting a divorce, then you might have already called a divorce lawyer in your area. If this is the case, then the lawyer might have offered to schedule an initial consultation with you. You might be planning on going for the consultation, but you might be curious about what the lawyer might discuss and help you with at this initial meeting. These are a few examples of different things that a divorce lawyer can help you with during your initial consultation.

Telling You How Much Their Legal Fees Will Cost

One of the first things that you might be curious about could be how much your legal fees are going to be. After all, even though you probably want to hire a good lawyer to help you with your case, you might be on a budget and therefore might be concerned about how you are going to budget for your legal fees. Luckily, you should be able to get answers when you meet with the divorce attorney for the first time.

Helping You With Filing the Initial Paperwork

Of course, initial divorce paperwork will need to be filed, and your spouse will need to be served divorce papers. You might be ready to get these things started as soon as possible, and luckily, your divorce lawyer should be able to help if you choose to hire them on the day that you meet for your initial consultation.

Helping You Get Protection That You Need

In some cases, a person who is filing for a divorce might be afraid of their spouse for one reason or another. If you are a victim of domestic violence and abuse, for example, you might be worried about how your spouse is going to react to the fact that you are filing for divorce. Your divorce lawyer can help you take action to protect yourself, such as by telling you about resources that you can turn to and assisting you with filing a protection order, if necessary.

Helping You Take Care of Your Kids

One of the main things that many people worry about when getting a divorce is who is going to have custody of their kids, whether or not there will be visitation for the other parent, and more. These are all valid concerns, and final determinations about these types of things will probably be handled along with your divorce. In the meantime, though, your divorce attorney can help you with things like a temporary custody order or temporary visitation with your children.

If you need help getting a divorce, contact a firm like P J Griffin & Co today.